Thursday, January 25, 2007

Learning to Read

So far, this class has led us to read many different articles related to science and food. These articles have ranged from information that could be understood by the general public to information only suitable for those with specialized degrees. Being a senior chemistry major, I have had experience reading science articles. I felt like I had the tools I needed to read and understand most articles. However, I have found myself looking up procedures or topics I did not understand clearly. I found the article on writing summaries and critiques of articles to be very helpful. This article focued on how scientific articles are written and their basic formats. Before reading this article, I had never really thought about this while reading articles. I now find myself thinking about this and looking for certain key points in each section. I feel like this article has been the most helpful and I have been able broaden my understandings of the information being presented.

1 comment:

Liz said...

Hi Laura,
I agree with you that the article on writing summaries and critiques was helpful. I think that reading an article for class every day will help improve my critical scientific reading and writing skills. It's kind of cool.