Sunday, March 04, 2007

Gulab Jamun: The Indian Doughnut

Gulab Jamun is a very popular Indian/Pakistani dessert that is made of fried dough saturated in a sweet syrup. It is similar to doughnut holes being dunked in sugar syrup. They taste the best when they still warm. Its sugar and fat content is so high that it should be well considered before eating more than two. This popular dessert can be found at weddings, festivals, and holiday celebrations.

It is quite easy to make them at the convenience of your own home. I highly recommend easy-to-cook packages that can be bought from Indian grocery stores (used Gits brand).

A good recipe can be found at:

1 comment:

Kunal said...

Gulab Jamun is certainly tasty; however, you are definitely right about the high fat content. Gulab Jamin maybe the reason behind many older Indians developing a "gut". My mom made it one time and I tried to track the amount of fat that goes into making Gulab Jamun and it seems to contains anywhere from fifteen to twenty grams per ball.