Thursday, March 01, 2007

Merck Won Green Chem Award

In one of the lectures in class, we analyzed two methods of synthesizing a common drug. The old method produced a tremendous amount of waste as compare to the new method which is more environmental friendly. Nonprescription drugs such as Tylenol and other pain killers are numerous and I’m pretty sure every household has at least one type of drug or another in their medicine cabinet. We often don’t realize how much waste or byproducts are being produced just so we could get these drugs in the form of tiny pills in nice little bottles. Sometimes I often wonder how much byproducts are created for every pill of Tylenol that I take when I get headaches.
I was searching for green chemistry articles to write my post when I came across the Merck website. I was amazed to find that Merck has won the Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award for 2005 and 2006 both in the United Kingdom and the US because they have implemented methods that could synthesize a drug while preventing the formation of 330 million pounds of waste. Interestingly, in 2006 Merck has discovered how to increase the yield of a new drug to treat type 2 diabetes by 50% and at the same time this method reduces 220 pounds of waste for every pound of active ingredient produced. In 2005, Merck collaborated with Solvias an effort to produce another drug that is now in late clinical trial with 80% of waste reduction and optimal yield. They were able to accomplish this by using a catalyst. To me, the field of chemistry is truly limitless, I am sure there are innovative pathways for reaction out there which promote the goals of green chemistry that are waiting to be discovered by scientists.

1 comment:

Mrinal Shukla said...

This is really great news and it is even better for drug companies. Big PHARMA often gets criticized for monopolies and economic excess. Merck's award is a step forward because this shows economic benefits for the consumer and the world as whole, an improvement from the overpriced drugs for which PHARMA is usually criticized. In the consumer, including myself, I am glad to see that companies are taking a step towards something that is positive and not business oriented but then again, this news serves as positive publicity. So, when can one conclude that a company's actions are pure and not economically-driven?