Sunday, January 25, 2009

Science in the Kitchen

I came upon this article titled “Kitchen Chemistry for Middle Schoolers.” It caught my attention, so I continued to read the article.

Two doctorate-seeking students at Georgia Tech used their interests of cooking and science to make this experiment enjoyable and meaningful for middle school aged children. They looked at one public and one private school in the Atlanta, GA area to use their experiment. They taught middle schoolers that science is a big part of everyday life, especially in the kitchen. The Georgia Tech students taught the middle schoolers the importance and insight to chemistry using cooking. For example, middle schoolers were taught that yeast could be useful in creating a puffy piecrust as well as blowing up a balloon.

When they finish their data collection, the two Georgia Tech students plan to hold a seminar at the National AfterSchool Association convention to teach and inform others about their project, “Kitchen Science Investigators.”

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