Wednesday, March 25, 2009

National Research Council's Stand

After reading Steven's blog I wanted to learn a little bit more about the deficits in forensic science. In a recent article The National Research Council stated that the field of forensics has huge discrepancies and and needs to be more regulated. The report also states that DNA over all other forms of forensic data is looked at first for answers in cases. This needs to change since other data, such as fingerprints, gun shot residue analysis, etc. could be helpful to solving a case, as well. Forensic laboratories at the national, state, and local levels also have deficits and need to be changed. Many state and local laboratories are underfunded and do not analytical tools needed for analysis. Lastly, the National Research Council feels there are scientists in some states who are not even certified and do not hold their data up to high standards of quality assurance. The National Research Council also feels that there needs to be a more stringent procedure to become a forensic scientist and/or medical examiner. The report stated that forensic science needs to become more stringent as a field and that a group of strong leadership needs to be formed to help regulated forensic laboratories at all levels of the criminal justice system.

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