Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Grapes and How They Affect Enzymes

Today's class was extremely interesting to me; since grapes have always been one of my favorite fruits.I decided I wanted to know more about grapes as a antioxidant and flavonoid rich food. Also as a 22 year old the idea that wine is good for me is always worth further research. A study was performed in Illinois and had very interesting results. The researchers used grapes used to make red wine, since they seem to contain a higher concentration of flavonoids then the white variety of grapes.
The researchers data was so impressive that the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry posted it earlier to the date it was supposed to be released. The data stated that some constituents in the grape-cell could work against the human DNA topoisomerase II, which is linked to cancer cell growth. DNA topoisomerase II has been shown to be expresses 300 times more in malignant cancer cells than in normal cells.
Another interesting idea was that specific phytochemicals from the proanthocyanidin and anthocyanin classes of the varied flavonoid family had a higher effeciency toward the enzyme DNA topoisomerase II than previously identified anthocyanins. New knowledge about how and where bioactive components of flavonoids are locating in this study, that the flavonoids bioactive components enter through the bloodstream and relocate throughout the body. So remember everyone to eat your grapes and enjoy a glass of wine.

1 comment:

Eric Goggins said...

I saw this commercial on TV yesterday.


Of course grapes have antioxidants that can increase health, but still more research is needed to determine to what degree of an impact eating grapes or grape juice has on the mind, heart, and immune system, like Alton Brown says in the video. They really just made grapes to appear as some sort of miracle fruit in the commercial. I guess the general public wouldn't know any better.